Thursday, 22 September 2011

Vindictus! I'm BACK!

 Yes it's Vindictus! One of the best MMORPGs out there. As you can see I posted some screenshots about the game below, graphics are not bad though. I forgotten when but months back ago I joined this game and due to the lag-ness I quit and I've found out the solution and now I'm back LOL! And you must be wondering why I can play right? Well... For those that is surprised, because Vindictus only allow West and East players, which also means that we SEA players are not about to LOGIN you can register but you can't play the GAME. So... I don't know it's legal or not but I kinda like "hacked" in lol with a software called Proxycap (thanks to Loctus*) *my friend*. I'll write a guide below so that anytime you guys can join and play with me. ;) My IGN is LaxusHugh. Look for me.. Or you can tell me in Facebook or even Twitter.




Guide (How-TO-Login):
Okay, 1st you download ProxyCap. After finish downloading just follow the steps below and you should be okay, if there is any questions don't be shy and ask. :) this guide belong to my friend Loctus he helped me with this guide so credit goes to him.

  • 1. Install the proxycap.
  • 2. Open the Preference. On the left panel, navigate to Proxies.
  • 3. In the Proxies, add a new one. (the 1st button in the upper right corner, left to a X button).
  • 4. Go to and pick a Sock 5, or 4/5 ip.
  • 5. Copy the IP into proxycap's host, then the port into proxycap's port.
  • 6. In the type, pick the SOCKS V5 from the drop down list, and click OK.
  • 7. Now navigate to Rules in the left panel.
  • 8. Make a new rule. The steup is below:
  •     Rule Type:     Tunnel through proxy
  •     Proxy Server:     (your ip)
  •     Application:     Specify (browse to your vindictus.exe)
  •     Destination     Port Range: Specify (27015 - [leave blank])
  •     Leave the rest untouch.
  • 9. Click OK.Then click OK again on the main.
  • 10. BAM! Done

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